5 Tips for Networking and Meeting People
How do you tackle networking when you’re not an event specifically for it? Wherever you are in your career, having a broad network is essential. That’s why this article is all about expanding that network authentically online. It seems like everyone knows someone. The question is, how do you find people to meet?
How to Be a Good Mentor Even if You Don't Think You're Mentor Material
Recently, I was selected to give a TEDx talk at my university’s business school. They assigned two professional mentors to help me develop my talk and act as resources in creating my content, Raquel Arredondo and Caitlin Mahon A week after my talk, I can’t help but think about and reflect on all of the incredible mentors who have been and continue to be such a large part of my professional journey. It’s also made me think about why mentorship is so important in the business world and how I can be one to others. Here’s how to be a good mentor even if you don’t think you’re mentor material.
5 Reasons the 5 Year Plan is Bullsh*t
I understand interviewers and professors ask the “What is your five year plan?” question to get a general sense of what your future goals are and to encourage you to ask yourself what you want for your future. What’s not commonly emphasized is that it’s okay to not stick to that plan. Your 5 Year Plan should serve as your rough draft, not table of contents. Although I get the concept, I can’t get behind it.
5 Tips to Better Networking
We’ve all been there…the dreaded networking events that happen bimonthly or semi-annually that everyone pretends to love, but in reality hates. This article will expose some ways in which you can make yourself more comfortable when walking into the shark tank at your next event. Turn your anxiety into authority with these simple hacks to “work the room” and maximize your time. Here are this Blonde in Business’ 5 Tips to Better Networking.